Shungite Grid Project

What is the Shungite Grid Project?

Everything is energy, and the energy in our environment affects each and every one of us, regardless of our awareness level. Excess/heavy energies (energy out of alignment with ourselves) can build-up both in our environment and within ourselves. The mineral Shungite has a strong effect in helping to remove or disperse excess energy. It also helps environments and people to ‘earth or ground’, thus allowing space and time for healing.

Derek began gifting the mineral Shungite into nature in early 2016 throughout the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. The Shungite gifting didn’t stop there, now thousands of people worldwide are contributing to the Shungite Grid, helping energize and release excess energies from our environment.

To help expand this healing grid we’re building around the globe, you simply have to have a piece of Shungite yourself, or gift one into nature such as in forests, parks, water ways or anywhere else you feel could use more love, healing, and energy.

The images/links below can help you to expand your understanding of the mineral Shungite, and how it’s being used in so many beneficial ways all over the planet.

Approaching the topic of perceiving subtle energies requires an open mind, as individual experiences can vary greatly due to cultural, psychological, and social factors. These perceptions are often linked to spiritual and alternative practices, but have also been studied scientifically. Although subjective, exploring subtle energies can deepen your understanding of metaphysical aspects of reality and enhance your intuitive, ESP, or psychic abilities. The Shungite grid is a network that works with these subtle energies, expanding our awareness of the unseen forces at play in our world.

Use the form below to request a Free Shungite Nugget be gifted into nature on yours or another’s behalf! Each month; Derek will gift the Shungite nuggets into nature, recording/uploading when possible some of the gifting locations.

When viewing the links below, the colored points are places where someone has placed their own point on the ever-expanding public Shungite Grid Map. Please add your own location if you already own a piece of Shungite. If you’d like Mystical Wares to gift a piece of Shungite into nature on yours or another’s behalf, feel free to sign-up each month for our Free Shungite Nugget Gifting Program here.

Would you like us to place your point on the Shungite Grid map for you?