Silver Shungite Rubber Pad 5″x7″


SKU: SHN-RBB-PAD-4 Category:


Silver Shungite Rubber Pad (5″x7″)

appx 1/8th inch thick
(Non-Latex – 100% Silicone Based)

Our Silver Shungite Rubber is created with a special blend of Shungite powder & silver added to rubber, producing an energy field that has a unique frequency that is extremely compatible with physical healing.

– Shungite Rubber is flexible but retains it shape, is 100% waterproof & can be hand washable with mild soap.

– Can be cut into any size to fit your needs.

– Like all Shungite based energy products, your thoughts are a powerful ingredient in the effectiveness of this Silver Shungite Rubber field.


“My interpretation of the Shungite Rubber is it creates an energy field that is cocoon-like. You should make a mental image of what specific ailment you may want addressed and put the pad over that area (or lay on the disc). In my case it was skeletal issues; I had been going to a chiropractor every 3 – 4 weeks for 25 years. Since using the Shungite Pad I have not gone for the last 8 months!” – Nancy L. Hopkins (Radio Show Host/Author)