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Citrine (1 Stone)

Stones can and will differ slightly in color, shape, and size.

Citrine’s purifying energy helps us to keep our thoughts clear and clean, so we can make good decisions and put them into action immediately. It helps us to rapidly digest complex information, particularly as related to power, boundaries, and manifestation. Citrine helps us to organize our thoughts into those which serve us, and those which do not, and to quickly discard those that do not. Citrine is recommended for anyone who feels sluggish and wants the crystal equivalent of a shot of expresso. Citrine’s happy and bouncy energy can help us to smile and do what needs to be done, both in the short term and in the long term. Citrine is a comforting talisman when we are dealing with problems affecting the digestive and elimination systems, particularly uncomfortable situations like a bladder infection or constipation. It is also a great talisman when we need to take better care of our endocrine system, particularly the thyroid.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz